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H1 A canvas for brands.

H2 A canvas for brands

H3 A canvas for brands

H4 A canvas for brands

H5 A canvas for brands

H6 A Canvas for brands


 As an incubator of talent, LOFFT focuses on recognizing, launching and managing only the most exceptional creators in the industry. Our brand portfolio embodies a mix of luxury labels, exciting emerging talent, and lifestyle brands.



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Paragraph The agency works collaboratively with brands to achieve desired outcomes by offering a complete strategic wholesale solution & sales representation.

As an incubator of talent, LOFFT focuses on recognizing, launching and managing only the most exceptional creators in the industry. Our brand portfolio embodies a mix of luxury labels, exciting emerging talent, and lifestyle brands.

The LOFFT Agency offers a comprehensive scope of consultancy services to assist emerging and established brands within the Australian fashion industry.